Thursday, March 10, 2011

An open letter to Jim Rizoli:

An open letter to Jim Rizoli:

I don’t readily answer ignorant matters such as these on the Internet or otherwise; I just don’t have that kind of time on my hands. But since you, Mr. Rizoli, asked to hear from the Jewish people on this matter I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are sincere. And here it is:


Having said this let me explain a few things Mr. Rizoli. Kosher is a mitzvot or commandment for the Jewish people. The markings on prepared food is a kosher certification and let’s people who practice kosher know that this food is okay to eat or drink. It is NOT a tax. It is not a vehicle for sending monies to Israel. This ignorant accusation would be the equivalent to Jewish citizens complaining that restaurants serve fish on Fridays and then announcing that “they” are likely funneling their ill-gotten fish funds to the Vatican. It’s just silly, but I think Mr. Rizoli, you know it is silly and are simply seeking to inflame people and insight anger.

Further, Mr. Rizoli, you complain that some soaps have a certification mark as well. And they do. For the same reasons that the foods do, because people use these soaps to clean in their kosher kitchens and/or wash tablecloths napkins, dishes. Why? Because they want them to remain kosher. It is a common practice. The same applies for plastic wraps and foils. There are many, many available that DO NOT have this certification. This is also true of foods. Feel free to purchase them liberally Mr. Rizoli. However, your claim that this is how “they” get more money is a ridiculous one.

Rabbis and the certification companies they work for do get paid to supervise and inspect establishments. That is their job. Much like, Mr. Rizoli, you are paid for your work. And while there are many “help” type jobs in the world such as doctors, lawyers, nurses and teachers, it is unreasonable to assume those who participates in ‘helping’ jobs should be so very committed to improving the world as to also agree not to be paid for their work. Further, Mr. Rizoli, I feel I must tell you that other people who work for the food companies in question also get paid: Shipping clerks, mailroom personnel, cooks, canners, advertising execs and graphic designers. The list goes on and on. Shocking I know, but I feel I must inform you, Mr. Rizoli. There is a chance a your corner stores, your local book store, even religious ones, are paying people who work for them!

Your stuttering, stammering, claim that if a company doesn’t pay the message is “We’re gonna do something bad to you.” Well if by bad you mean you will lose the certification, then yes because the plant needs to be inspected and comply with particular rules. Your use of the word extortion is another matter. Is the USDA extorting money by using an inspection process? Are health departments “extorting” when they inspect routinely and insist that an establishment complies with code? And do you think that this cost is absorbed and not passed on to the consumer? Really? “They force the company to put this Jewish symbol” on a product is another mistaken claim. Food companies approach the certification company; fill out the appropriate paper work; and make an appointment.

The definition of ignorance is to be uneducated, unaware, and uninformed. Ignorance is conquered with knowledge much like fire can be quenched with water. So consider yourself informed Mr. Rozoli and now that you are, you are also responsible, and in the future even culpable.

*You can contact personally Mr Rizoli at 508 875 2043


  1. It still is a tax without representation. How would you feel if a Muslim tax was on most of your food? You'd go right to the ACLU.


  2. Repeating a refuted argument is not the same as making progress in an argument. As far Muslim habits, they DO have a similiar mark indicating that food meets religious standards;it is called halal. (This is not a tax either, so I don't think the ACLU will be all that interested. Feel free to let your brother Jim know.)
